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Our Club


The Rotary Club of Bendigo are "People with a Purpose".


We are a passionate group of Rotarians from a wide range of vocations who enjoy coming together for fellowship, supporting our local community, contributing to International projects and providing opportunities for our youth to develop leadership skills.



Our Mission


It is our mission to embrace the ideals of Rotary International, contributing to a better Bendigo and a better world through significant humanitarian service while providing extraordinary opportunities for networking, fellowship, friendship and personal growth.


Always remembering that:


"The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service."



Rotary International Theme







Each Year, the Rotary International President chooses a theme.


The presidential theme that RI President Stephanie Urchick announced for the 2024-25 year is: 'The Magic of Rotary'. She says members create that magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member of Rotary.



Our Meetings


Our meetings are friendly, welcoming, informative and enjoyable.  Each week we hear progress reports from current projects, present donations to project recipients and hear from interesting Guest Speakers.  


Club Members are encouraged to attend meetings when they can, with attendees averaging around 30-40 members attending per meeting.  


Check out our "Our Meetings" page.



The Bendigo Club

22 Park Street, Strathdale

Members can enjoy a meal with prices around $15-20.



Our Board


Meet our current Board of Directors on the  "Meet Our Board" page


Our District 9800


The Rotary Club of Bendigo is a part of Rotary International District 9800 that includes 67 clubs spread from suburban Melbourne to Echuca.


Past District Governors from the Rotary Club of Bendigo include:

     Arthur Bolton (1936 - 1937)

     Ern Granger (1962 - 1963)

     Ray Downey (1977 - 1978)


You can learn more about our district by visiting the website



Our Major Projects


The Rotary Club of Bendigo has established, or is involved in, a number of major projects providing significant contribution to our fundraising efforts each year.  These projects are:


The Rotary Easter Art Show

Carols by Candlelight

Bendigo Sheep & Wool Show

ReBuilding Samoa

Camp Getaway


You can learn more about our major and other projects by selecting "What We Do" from the menu



Our Ethics


Our mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understand, goodwill and peace, through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.


The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do is a test used by Rotarians world-wide as a moral code for personal and business relationships. The test can be applied to almost any aspect of life.


Rotarians abide by The Four-Way Test. 


Of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the TRUTH? 

Is it FAIR to all concerned? 


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?




Our Contacts


You can find our postal details or send us a message on our "Contact Us" page


Or... you can send us a message via our Facebook Page


Keep up to date with our latest news, projects and events via our newsletter 'The Fossicker' or our social media:


  • Facebook
  • Instagram
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About Us

Rotary Club of Bendigo

Chartered 30th July 1925

Club No. 18306

Sponsor Club: Rotary Club of Melbourne

Site Designed by Kim Lowe


© 2022 Rotary Club of Bendigo

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